The Octopus Curse! Free until Nov 5!

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*review copy//Happy Book Birthday to @salma.farook‘s beautiful Poetry Book I was lucky enough to hold in my hands early. I don’t pick up Poetry often but a few poetry books made their way into my shelves at exactly the right moment in my life and this one is no exception. I had a bit of a hard time the last few weeks and Salma‘s thoughtfully drafted words have touched me deeply.🖤
Joyly Stevens
Joyly Stevens
@Joyly Stevens
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‘Words are so incredibly powerful’ is what goes through my head while reading The Octopus Curse by Salma Farook. This collection poems is sharp as knives and will tear you to pieces, through flesh and soul. I love poetry. To me it’s one of the most powerful ways to make you feel everything there is to feel in this universe. I love poetry because it splits me open right through the middle and unravels me until I’m nothing more than a tangle of silken garlands on the ground. Throughout this book, two hands follow you along this journey, guiding you from one memory into the next. They reach out from the pages through your ribcage and clench your chest together until you can barely breathe. They grab hold of your soul and won’t let go until long after you finished the last poem. That’s how powerful each poem is. There are poems about love, loss, hurt, traveling, finding yourself, growing, strength, women, the world, migrants, religion, and so much more. This is a love story in every aspect of the word. You will lose yourself in it, only to find yourself between the next lines. These poems are a lifeline, a photo album of memories, a soul laid bare. Each word is a star, twining together to form the most beautiful constellation that will shine down on you and make you feel less lonely in the dark. This book is a friend to hold on to when there nothing else to grasp as you feel yourself falling. This is a book that the world needs to read. The strength of these words needs to be heard across mountains and seas. So that people, who feel broken and lost, can know they are not alone.
Books and Studies and Stories
Books and Studies and Stories
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I am in confusion- what's more beautiful? poetries or the mandalas in the book..maybe they both are. This book is a treat to read and to ger lost into beautiful illustrations. Ok review done. oh, you want more? . . Here it goes for you... Salma Frook's poetry sings deep unconditional intense almost burning love, separation, spirituality enveloped in love, very feminine like dainty pendant yet strong and powerful. She has also talked about the societal pressure and how they influence our fate. In between her poetries and illustrations, short proses are like pauses which are equally beautiful and show the profound philosophical artistic skills of the author. each of her writings is in perfect harmony with each other. Then there is this particular one wherein one side a little girl loves shades of pink, it speaks about the innocence and then at the same time pinks and purple represented bruises from domestic abuses. In short, her book was lyrical beauty and I am very sure I am going to read it again and again.
Sukanya Gogoi
Sukanya Gogoi@intellectual__badass__
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This pretty book is all over Bookstagram today. Happy publication day to ‘The octopus curse’ and congratulations @salma.farook . Truly, a beautiful book, inside out. I was initially apprehensive about resonating with the poems on a personal level, being a picky reader of poems. Little did I know about the themes then. I was also wondering what’s with the weird title ‘The Octopus Curse’. But once I started exploring the various themes that were focused on, and understood how the idea of an Octopus was used as an analogy to human life and society, I was blown away by the author’s creative writing skills. Playing with words is not my cup of tea and I really want to appreciate Salma for concentrating on really deep themes and presenting them to readers in simple writing.Love, suffering, perversion, grace, beauty, shame, insecurities; all of these ideas were beautifully given a voice. The basic essence of all her poems is emotion. You’ll definitely relate to most of the poems in the collection. Also, it will be unfair on my part to not praise the beautiful cover. Amazing job. Specially the illustrations. The impact was profound. I was quite slow while reading the poems, to think deeply at length and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Get your copy soon. There’s an amazing discount on the book till the 5th of November and you can grab the e-book for free till the same date.
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The Octopus Curse is a collection of insta-poetry and Salma Farook has worked it all out beautifully. The collection presents poems of various themes, divided into parts linked by interludes about the octopus, which I found very nice. Salma in her poems talks about love and broken hearts, self-confidence, family, friendship, intelligence and beauty, all accompanied by splendid mandala-style images along with Indian-inspired hands, things that I loved and found a beautiful reminder of origins of the author. I really enjoyed this little book, not only for aesthetics but above all for the words included. Strong, powerful words that made me emotional and made me think. I felt the connection with words and with the author, and that's what I loved the most.

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